The academic papers provided have either been presented or published at various national and international academic conferences. ​This research is intended to provide theoretical evidence of practical applications in use and intended for use by ​Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development. ​

"​Academic success depends on research and publications."

- ​Philip Zimbardo

Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practices

“The Move From E-Learning, To M-Learning and Technology-Based Learning and Challenges in Regulated Learning Spaces in South Africa”

Electronic Learning (e-learning), like Mobile Learning (m-learning) and Technology Based Learning (t-learning) is a wide and varied subject that has the common ability to ask more questions than it is capable of answering. Adding to the technical specifications of the learning platform, is the ability to use it in a regulated learning space, which is varied in South Africa

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“Woman’s Studies in Asia Series” – An Example of Developing an African Studies Opportunity for African Feminism

Ewha Woman’s University is noted as a name linked to a singular being which reflects the history of women’s studies in South Korea. The name, although linked to the historical perspective of a singular learner, also helps to encourage learning that has happened and continues to happen through initiatives adopted by organisations. Ewha Woman’s University

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Implementing Quality, Compliant WIL Strategies Within the Accredited Learning Context

Offering Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the accredited learning context happens in both the further education and training and higher education fields. There is a need for educational institutions to ensure quality assurance compliance in the implementation of WIL, to ensure that quality assurance audits and validation of assessments results and awarding

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​Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility – Redefining Ethical Leadership and the ‘Human Element’ In the King Report

This paper investigates the relationship and differences between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Investment, and the ways in which they are able to promote ethics in company values and responsibilities to community and industrial sectors. It does this by investigating CSI and CSR operating in an organisation in typical South African

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​Retail Leadership

“Leadership and Innovation: Business Focused Qualification Development in South Africa”

South Africa is a socially diverse and multicultural country. The constitution recognises eleven official languages and multiple ethnic groups and is progressive with regard to women’s rights and sexual orientation. South Africa, however, is also constantly reminded of its troubled history under the apartheid regime, and this is still evident among its workforce who to a large extent

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​Business Processing Service

Offshoring in South Africa Is Beyond the Vision and Presumptions of Economics

The research topic is aimed at exploring the nuances that is associated with South African culture that provides a competitive advantage to international outsourcers. Tangible factors such as relaxed tax laws, employment as a key South African governmental driver as well as limitations such infrastructure, recruitment costs, labour availability and poor I.T. infrastructure are

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​Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peace Studies

Managing Community Conflict

Geographically, South Africa is a large country which is home to 58 million people. This population is broken up into vast numbers of demographically diverse populations spread over a wide area – urban, semi-urban, and rural. As such, there represents a huge potential for inter- and intra-community conflict. In addition to this potential is the potential for conflict between

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Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Subjects in All Higher Education Curricula– Is This Too Idealistic in its Scope?

The racial and political overtones inherent in South Africa, based on its history, make the country an unpredictable place that demands unique approaches towards conflict resolution and the management of an ongoing stable society. While many variables need to be considered, education plays a vital role in promoting and mitigating conflict, as well as

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