OMNI Academy for Education, Training and Development is committed to providing quality higher education programmes through a blended delivery of learning which will include e-Learning through distance learning platforms using an open-source platform and a video engagement platform which helps to increase the number of students, particularly those in employment and those in rural areas that have the available data enabled services, and not limited to a face-to-face interaction.
The delivery, using an e-learning platform enables ongoing learning to take place for those students who have time available during the day or night, as live lectures are recorded and made available for those who are unable to attend them. In addition to this, the use of the platform ensures a focused interaction in real time with the support team, whether academic or technical.
Active involvement with the student enhances learning. Learning is an active process which requires that the student works with and applies new material to past knowledge and to everyday life, which is directly linked to work-integrated-learning (WIL) . Some of the methods that encourage active learning are: discussion groups, structured exercises, team projects, and research projects. These methods are delivered via the platforms. Experience, whether practical or simulated, and application within various industries is critical.
Students benefit from taking responsibility for their learning, as this encourages better self-motivation. The access to material and engagement online encourages safe, self-directed learning in that the students are presented with the module content and are free to explore it in their preferred order. Built in activities and quizzes allow students the confidence to challenge their abilities without peer judgment.
The platform is rated one of the best in the world as it continues to improve based on open-source development. Even those who are technically limited have the opportunity to learn about the platform and how to use it using various tutorials provided by the platform or resource based content.