Omni Academy for ETD

"Education in Practice"

The Academy that links Theory and Practice through Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) using distance education

Take the development step you've been thinking about and...

Learn whenever and where ever you are...

Share and apply your learning at work...

Walk away qualified and experienced...

Open the door to new career development opportunities...


Omni Academy for Education, Training and Development is committed to providing higher education programmes through a blended delivery of learning. This will include distance learning through an open-source e-Learning platform supported by a video engagement platform. READ MORE

Featured Qualification

Education Training and Development
Higher Certificate in
Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices

The purpose of the Higher Certificate in Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practices is to develop the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes of entry-level and junior Education, Training and Development Practitioners within all organisations, as well as those in such businesses who are aspiring to and/or have the potential to perform on these levels.

Latest Academic Papers

Corporate Social Responsibility – Redefining Ethical Leadership and the ‘Human Element’ In the King Report

This paper investigates the relationship and differences between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Investment, and the ways in which they are able to promote ethics in company values and responsibilities to community and industrial sectors. It does this by investigating CSI and CSR operating in an organisation in typical South African

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Offshoring in South Africa Is Beyond the Vision and Presumptions of Economics

The research topic is aimed at exploring the nuances that is associated with South African culture that provides a competitive advantage to international outsourcers. Tangible factors such as relaxed tax laws, employment as a key South African governmental driver as well as limitations such infrastructure, recruitment costs, labour availability and poor I.T. infrastructure are

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“The Move From E-Learning, To M-Learning and Technology-Based Learning and Challenges in Regulated Learning Spaces in South Africa”

Electronic Learning (e-learning), like Mobile Learning (m-learning) and Technology Based Learning (t-learning) is a wide and varied subject that has the common ability to ask more questions than it is capable of answering. Adding to the technical specifications of the learning platform, is the ability to use it in a regulated learning space, which is varied in South Africa

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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

- Nelson Mandela