Electronic Learning (e-learning), like Mobile Learning (m-learning) and Technology Based Learning (t-learning) is a wide and varied subject that has the common ability to ask more questions than it is capable of answering. Adding to the technical specifications of the learning platform, is the ability to use it in a regulated learning space, which is varied in South Africa
...Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practices
“The Move From E-Learning, To M-Learning and Technology-Based Learning and Challenges in Regulated Learning Spaces in South Africa”
“Woman’s Studies in Asia Series” – An Example of Developing an African Studies Opportunity for African Feminism
Ewha Woman’s University is noted as a name linked to a singular being which reflects the history of women’s studies in South Korea. The name, although linked to the historical perspective of a singular learner, also helps to encourage learning that has happened and continues to happen through initiatives adopted by organisations. Ewha Woman’s University
...Implementing Quality, Compliant WIL Strategies Within the Accredited Learning Context
Offering Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the accredited learning context happens in both the further education and training and higher education fields. There is a need for educational institutions to ensure quality assurance compliance in the implementation of WIL, to ensure that quality assurance audits and validation of assessments results and awarding
...Best Practice Focused Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practice Prospects
Currently, South Africa offers learning that is credit bearing and directly linked to workplace-based learning programmes and qualifications. However, e-learning in South Africa is under-developed, and information is not readily available on how universities and colleges are dealing with the advent of e-learning, and how it is linked to occupational learning-based
...Education, Training and Development Practitioners and the Entrepreneurship Model in Outcomes-Based Adult Education in South Africa.
This paper focuses on practitioners within the outcomes-based education model for adults in South Africa. It is seen as a salient aspect that people become facilitators (trainers) and assessors while simultaneously being a subject matter specific to a workplace-based sector. Currently, in order to fulfil the role of