South African attorney, Mervyn King, states in his report that there is a need of Corporate Social Responsibility in practice to be the best practical and ethical methods in order to meet internationally agreed upon standards.
This paper investigates the relationship and differences between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Investment, and the ways in which they are able to promote ethics in company values and responsibilities to community and industrial sectors. It does this by investigating CSI and CSR operating in an organisation in typical South African frameworks in efforts to assist transformation strategies within the country.
In addition, the paper will also investigate the need for the “human element”, in particular, Omni’s model which focuses on humanity, integrity, morals and reflection.
Ways in which CSR is defined and encapsulated in a number of initiatives like those linked to a large retailer in South Africa. Entrepreneur Empowerment Development aims to develop entrepreneurial skills in learners who wish not only to employ skills outside of major businesses, but also for those who seek employment in fields in which entrepreneurial skills are beneficial. Employee Development is a project which focuses on helping learners access skills outside of organisations. With this in mind, the project offers greatly reduced costs for individual learners. Another project is Supplier Development which aims to improve the value proposition between suppliers and businesses. Budding entrepreneurs are also able to gain knowledge and skills through Enterprise Development which focuses on developing skills necessary for those who wish to start up their own business ventures.
In addition, there are various initiatives in the community that provide relief for disadvantaged sectors of society, as well as organisations that deal with environmental issues... Read More
Presented at:6th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, Bangkok |